Five best photography tweeters

Need to stay on top of the latest developments (ahem) in the world of photography? Here’s our list of the topic’s top tweeters…

1. @MagnumPhotos
The iconic photo agency is probably best known for its illustrious list of founders – think photojournalists Henri Cartier-Bresson and Robert Capa. Yet in recent times the agency has grown to include photographers with different styles and working interests. Today its Twitter presence fully reflects the agency’s maturation, and is full of news of workshops, exhibitions and the latest work of its crop of top photographers. A great feed that showcases the work of an agency at the cutting edge.

2. @GettyImages
No matter what news is trending, you can rely on Getty to have a killer photo of the event. The great thing about this feed is that it acts as a pre-edited filter of the best and most relevant work the agency has to deliver. Its tweets range from the sublime to the comical via the all-out attention-grabbing. Even if the budget for your campaign can’t stretch to acquiring the right to some of Getty’s photography, you can get a lot of mileage out of re-tweeting relevant pictures in the feed so they appear in your own.

3. @Flickr
And you can use the same trick at the other end of the price spectrum. Flickr is the hugely popular photo-sharing platform that – crucially for a content-marketer with a tight budget – attracts loads of amateur photographers willing to share their pictures under a Creative Commons licence. This effectively means you get to use the image for the mere price of crediting the photographer with a link, and you can use Twitter to find some real talent on Flickr. The feed is also strong on themed photo ideas and occasionally showcases up-and-coming talent.

4. @VSCO
For the uninitiated, VSCOcam are the guys behind a natty iPhone/Android camera app, and lots of filters users can overlay for various effects – whether that’s general styles such as cross-process and desaturated, to very specific films and temperatures (i.e., Kodak Ultramax 400 tungsten). The company clearly has some great content-marketers, and its Twitter feed does everything it should do – speaking about photography with authority, clarity and wit, while reigning in overtly sales-related material.

5. @Instagram
Instagram – the hugely successful picture-sharing organ – repeats the same content-marketing trick. Like @vsco its feed is full of trends and themes, plus the odd enigmatic quote from various sources. Given the platform’s clout in the social world, its probably worth following for the corporate announcements alone.

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