10 types of B2B content to take your engagement to the next level

BuzzSumo’s research proves B2B can punch above its weight for likes and shares

Creating B2B content means targeting smaller audiences while talking up targeted (some would say niche) products and services.

This is not fertile ground for the influx of likes, shares and favourites so commonplace in B2C.

Insight teams rightly scorn vanity metrics, but they can be a handy starting point when getting your firm’s name out into the wider world. One or two pieces of hero content could make all the difference in attracting the attention of potential clients.

BuzzSumo’s latest research spotlights 2017’s hottest subject trends for engaging B2B audiences.

Cynical though we are of grandiose statements on yearly trends here at Content Desk, previous research on LinkedIn headlines and video engagement shows that the BuzzSumo analysts know what they’re doing.

Technology developments

Heading up the list is tech.

Adoption of artificial intelligence might be proceeding slowly, but business leaders love to read about it. BuzzSumo points out two prolific examples – a broad-brush article on technology breakthroughs (50,000 shares) and analysis of JP Morgan’s new time-saving software for lawyers (100,000 shares).

Future trends

Articles on future trends often suffer from outlandishness. But done well they can gather hundreds of thousands of shares. See also how different kinds of trends work well on different social networks – an article on the future of Big Data proved astoundingly shareable on LinkedIn.

Opinion or viewpoint posts

Done sensitively, these can be the foundation for building a community around your brand. Two articles on the value of data and the gig economy garnered hundreds of thousands of shares each.

Inspirational stories

Case studies shedding light on unexpected success stories – such as the example of e-commerce startup Stripe – swept the board on Facebook and LinkedIn last year.

It’s a safe bet they’ll do the same in 2018.

Practical tips and ‘how to’ content

If BuzzSumo’s analysis is anything to go by, providing a new twist on an old problem in the B2B world can lead to big returns, especially on LinkedIn.

The same is true of niche research on underappreciated difficulties – a piece on providing psychological safety for high performing teams offers a case in point.

Personal career advice

As might be expected, careerists congregating on LinkedIn are only too happy to share articles discussing advice for personal development and tips for conquering the job market.

A personal touch (see the controversial “if you can’t find a spouse who supports your career, stay single”) can pay dividends on Facebook too.

Research and reference content

Even if you’re not providing original insights, getting on the cutting edge of research in your sector can result in highly shareable content.

BuzzSumo point to the standout success of two articles – one on the productivity of remote workers, another providing summaries of leading business books.


BuzzSumo reckons denizens of the B2B community are anxious to get ahead by proving their leadership credentials. Articles unpicking managerial mistakes and how certain CEOs achieve success scored notably highly on overall shareability.

Industry news

Although often as much to do with who’s doing the publishing as what’s being published, developments in particular sectors can pick up massive shares. The launch of a new Nike hijab is just one example. If you get the opportunity to break a B2B story, it can be well worth it.

Current topics

Similar to the above, working out what’s trending and producing relevant content can allow content creators to ride a popular wave.

This is a long-established technique in the B2C world, but can just as easily have B2B applications. A story on the internal machinations at Elon Musk’s Tesla achieved nearly 150,000 shares in 2017.

Key takeaways:
  1. Know your audience – more technical content exploring data and career development fares best on LinkedIn (where, incidentally, Pulse can help you reach new heights – 19 of the top 20 posts on LinkedIn were all published there). News articles on trends and technological development get big hits on Facebook.
  2. Personalisation – whether it’s the most up-to-date news and research or ultra-relevant career development tips, creating content with personal resonance is a top tip for driving shares.
  3. Go against the grain – shake up your tired old content with an opinion-based article or an unexpected success story. It could help you build a community around your brand.

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