Want to write like Hemingway? Just use the app

Content Desk is a seasoned admirer of novelist and short-story master Earnest Hemingway. In this post Ed Owen outlined the essential ways in which you can ape his style, winning a growing readership (and even customers) as a result.

If ever you thought there was an app for everything, the recent emergence of the beta version of Hemingway app adds considerable weight to your theory. Although the latest version of the software is in testing, you can download it and start creating those short, active and succinct sentences that will be the hall-mark of quality content.

According to the website, the new version works via a helpful and  intuitive colour-coding system.

Adverbs are helpfully shown in blue. Get rid of them and pick verbs with force instead.

You can utilize a shorter word in place of a purple one. Mouse over it for hints.

Phrases in green have been marked to show passive voice.

Now, there really is no excuse for poor writing. The tool now picks up on over-long sentences and even attempts to highlight long, logic-rotting text.

Hemingway App comes as a desktop program for both Mac and Windows.


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