Five stats to master Twitter

If you’re looking for some solid advice on how best to share content on Twitter, look no further than this post on the subject.

According to HubSpot and SocialBro, who have harvested data from some 200,000 corporate tweets, there are some worthwhile steps you can take to tweeting nirvana. Here are the top five (which are free).

1. Tweets with images are 34% more likely to be clicked

Need some images? Perhaps you could join a royalty free image library.

2. Tweets with a URL in the middle of the text are 26% more likely to be clicked than tweets starting or ending with a URL

Use Buffer to place, schedule, tweak and shorten you links – all for free.

3. Tweets with hashtags are 33% more likely to be retweeted than those without.

If you’d like to be retweeted, simply type “please RT” at the end of your message. If you don’t ask…

4. Tweets with just one hashtag are 69% more likely to get a retweet than those with more.

If you’d like some analysis about which hashtags work (and those that don’t), try installing a RiteTag plugin for Safari, Chrome or Firefox.

5. Hashtags with 11 or more characters get 117% more retweets than those within six and 10 characters.

For more on hashtags and their popularity, visit

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